In Defense of Truth
Formerly published as The Day of Defense, is another great book in our collection. It is the fictitious story of two missionaries on trial. The plaintiffs are the Christian clergy and as the judge, a Jewish Rabbi. Every obstacle of doctrine that can be conceived is brought up and answered. A good index helps you to look up specific anti-LDS points with the correct if not the most appropriate answer. The appendix is a summery of what you must do to be a prophet and is available as a free download here. This has been a great tool as a source of information for missionaries around the world for over 30 years.
In Defense of Truth, formerly The Day of Defense was made into a movie.
The original book edited and published by Alpha Publishing has been rewritten and is now published as In Defense of Truth. Peter added the index and appendix and the original cover design to the original publication back in 1970 and had edited the original text. The appendix is also published for FREE as Challenges of the Book of Mormon at LDS Music and Books.
There is also a FREE missionary booklet at LDS Music and Books with incredible information for investigators and members alike.